His Secret Alaskan Heiress Read online

Page 17

  “Reality being that Noah was hired by John to watch you?”

  Sophie nodded. “And romance me.”

  There was a huge lump in her throat. It still felt agonizing to know Noah was so calculating and sneaky.

  Her father held up his hand. “I’m not sure I believe that. I saw the way he looked at you, spoke to you. Why would he continue to plead his case after his cover was blown? At that point the jig was up. He wasn’t going to gain anything by doing that. And if he was just in it for the money, why was he at odds with John?”

  Something flickered inside Sophie as she listened to her father’s logical assessment. She so wanted to believe in Noah. Her pulse began to race and she felt a kernel of hope blossoming inside her. She shut her eyes tightly and shook her head. “I’m not going to tie all of my hopes and dreams on a maybe, Daddy. Noah had many opportunities to come clean with me, but he blew it.”

  “So this adventure in Alaska...is it over?”

  Over. The thought of leaving Love permanently was an unsettling one. “I have to go back there tomorrow. Jasper and Hazel are two of my closest friends. They’re getting married in a few days and I’m a bridesmaid.” For the first time in four days, Sophie grinned. Just the thought of seeing her dear friends tie the knot caused a groundswell of emotion to rise up inside her. She wouldn’t miss their special day for anything in this world. “It won’t be easy to face everybody, but I’m determined to be strong.”

  “What about Noah?”

  Sophie scoffed. “I’m sure he’s left Love by now. After all, he’s not really a cook. And there’s nothing left for him there now that his assignment is over.”

  Her father leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll support you no matter what you decide to do. Promise me one thing, Peaches.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Make sure you keep a clear head and an open heart.”

  Tears misted Sophie’s eyes. Her father was being sentimental and so incredibly loving. He had given her a soft place to fall over the past few days. She nodded her head instead of answering. She wasn’t certain she could hold it together long enough to reply. At the moment she didn’t know up from down. All she knew was that it was going to take a really long time to get over Noah Catalano.

  * * *

  The very next day, Sophie was on her way back to Alaska. After flying to Anchorage, she was met at the airport by O’Rourke Charters. She was now on her way to Love. She peered out of the window of Declan’s seaplane and admired the stunning Alaskan landscape. Butterflies soared in her stomach as the beloved fishing village came into view. The craggy mountains and the glistening waters of Kachemak Bay made her eyes moisten with emotion. Sophie placed her face against the glass and smiled as the snow-dusted fir trees came into view.

  As they began their descent, she felt her excitement building. It was almost as exciting as the very first time she’d flown into town. This time, too, Declan landed the plane on the water with incredible finesse. Sophie barely felt a thing.

  As soon as they disembarked, she asked him for a favor. She needed to see Hazel. “Declan, I need a ride to the Black Bear Cabins. Can you swing me over there?”

  He flashed her a brilliant smile. “Anything for you, Sophie. It’s sure good to see you back where you belong. And right in time for the wedding tomorrow.”

  Sophie grinned at him. In spite of everything, it felt good to be here. She had no idea if she was back in town for keeps or simply sticking around long enough to be a part of Jasper and Hazel’s wedding. How could she remain in Love when there would be so many memories of Noah everywhere she looked? Wouldn’t it be better to go back to New York City and work on her relationship with her father?

  Declan dropped her at the main lodge, sending her off with a wave and a promise to see her at the wedding. Sophie walked up the steps toward Hazel’s front door. She stood on the porch for a few minutes, suddenly feeling awkward. What if Hazel rejected her? What if she was angry Sophie hadn’t told the whole truth about her origins?

  No! Sophie knew her friend better than that. She was the most accepting woman in the world. If anyone would have her back it would be Hazel. Sophie rapped insistently on the door. Although Hazel had an open-door policy, Sophie knew her appearance might be a surprise.

  When the door swung open, Hazel greeted her with a loud shriek. She wrapped her up in a gigantic bear hug and almost squeezed the life out of her. Then she tugged on her coat sleeve. “Come on inside. You had me scared you might miss my wedding, although my gut told me you never would.”

  “I’m sorry I left so abruptly. Everything happened all at once. I barely knew if I was coming or going,” Sophie explained.

  “Oh, pish tosh!” Hazel said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “You don’t have to explain a single thing to me, although I would have loved knowing about your connection to Java Giant. The Moose Café could have benefited from a few pointers.” Hazel winked at her. “And now I know why you took to being a barista so quickly. You were a ringer!”

  Sophie let out a sigh of relief. “I came here looking for a fresh start. I should have told you my real name ages ago. Forgive me, Hazel.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive.” Her friend reached out and gently shook her.

  “Thanks for saying so.” Sophie felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

  “You won’t believe what happened while you were gone!” Hazel’s voice sounded almost like a shriek.

  “At this point I’ll believe anything,” Sophie said, her own voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “Guess who came back to Love day before yesterday?” Hazel didn’t wait for her to answer. “Marta! She came back with a story about a sick relative and a reading of a will.” Hazel rolled her eyes. “Long story short—she asked for her job back at the Moose Café. And Cameron agreed, since Noah—” Hazel stopped talking midsentence. She clapped a hand over her mouth. “Sorry to bring up his name, Soph.”

  Sophie tried to shake it off as if it didn’t bother her. “No worries. I’m glad the Moose Café has a cook now. I hated the idea of leaving you high and dry with the waitressing.”

  “We understood your predicament. Honor and Grace came in to cover some shifts. We made do.” Hazel locked eyes with her. “Have you spoken to Noah at all? I noticed you haven’t been answering your cell phone.”

  “No. I haven’t. I can’t.” Her hair tumbled about her shoulders as she fiercely shook her head. “I came back for the wedding. Nothing else.”

  Hazel clapped her hands together. “Speaking of the wedding, I’ve got lots to do before tomorrow morning. I could use a bridesmaid’s help.”

  “Whatever you need, I’m at your service,” Sophie said, bowing to Hazel as if she were royalty.

  “Let’s get to it, then,” she exclaimed. “I’ve got my final gown fitting and I need to check in with Gracie and make sure Jasper got the marriage license.” She threw up her hands. “It will be a wonder if I get it all done.”

  Sophie spent the remainder of the day helping Hazel with the final wedding details. As she made her way all over town, she was met with support and love. Not a single person denounced her for keeping her heritage a secret. One local wanted to know if a Java Giant would be opening in Love. Sophie had been happy to tell her it wasn’t going to happen. Cameron had worked hard to build up the Moose Café. He certainly didn’t need a huge corporation to come in and steal his thunder.

  At Hazel’s request, Sophie stayed over with her at the lodge. Early the next morning all the bridesmaids convened at Hazel’s house. Not one of them peppered Sophie with questions about Noah or her unexpected exit from town. Nor did they ask her a single thing about being the heiress to the Java Giant fortune. It made Sophie realize that she might just have the very best friends in the world.

  When it was time, they drov
e with Hazel to the church, where they helped her get dressed in her beautiful gown. They complimented her and took pictures with their phones and cameras. Hazel said she had never felt so lovely.

  As the wedding march played, Hazel walked down the aisle with as much elegance as a queen. She looked stunning in her blush-colored gown. Sophie walked behind her with the rest of the bridesmaids. The church was filled to the rafters with townsfolk. It was a virtual sea of people—sitting, standing, pouring out of the church. Sophie couldn’t believe her eyes when she spotted Dwight holding hands with Marta and looking deliriously happy.

  Jasper stood at the altar with his groomsmen beside him, looking as proud as a peacock. His chest was puffed out and the smile etched on his wizened face was gigantic.

  He stepped forward to meet Hazel. Tears fell from his eyes as he said, “Thank you for joining me on this journey, my love.”

  Pastor Jack began the wedding ceremony by inviting Hazel and Jasper to step forward to the altar. Sophie sat raptly and listened to every word, every nuance. It felt as if love was vibrating from every corner and pew of the church.

  “You may now recite your own vows,” Pastor Jack announced, nodding at Jasper to begin.

  Jasper reached into his pocket and took out a handkerchief. He dabbed at his eyes. “Hazel. I’ve given you a lot of guff over the years. It took me way too long to recognize you as my life partner and not just as my best friend. You are an exceptional woman. Generous. Loving. And probably the kindest woman I’ve ever known. I’m not sure if a grumpy old man like me deserves a woman as fine as you, but I’m determined to spend the rest of my life making sure you know the depths of my love for you.”

  Hazel reached out and smoothed her hand across Jasper’s cheek. “My sweet Jasper. Even when you’re grumpy and out of sorts, I always know that your heart is as wide as Kachemak Bay. There isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for the people you love. You’re loyal and loving and true blue. And I can’t imagine loving anyone more than I love you.”

  At Pastor Jack’s urging, they exchanged rings. “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the pastor announced with a flourish. “You may kiss your lovely bride, Jasper.”

  As she watched the bride and groom exchange a tender kiss, tears ran down Sophie’s face and she felt as if her heart had swelled to ten times its original size. There was so much love inside this church that it threatened to reduce her to a puddle of tears. This couple was living proof of the existence of love and the glory of God.

  When she began walking down the aisle behind the bride and groom and the rest of the bridal party, she realized she’d left her bouquet in the pew. Once she retrieved it, she turned to head back down the aisle. Noah was standing in front of her, almost as if he had materialized from thin air.

  Sophie let out a low moan. She wanted to pivot around and run in the other direction, but she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d rattled her. She wanted to display a small measure of dignity. He’d broken her heart, but she was still standing.

  “Sophie.” The raw edge in Noah’s voice made her shiver. He sounded like she felt. In pain. A little bit broken.

  “I—I have to go,” she whispered, tearing her eyes away from the sight of him. In his dark suit and tie, he looked spiffy and way too handsome for his own good. She made an attempt to get past him, but he reached out and tenderly grasped her wrist, lightly enough that she could have easily released herself.

  “Please don’t go. I need to talk to you.”

  She shook her head. “There’s nothing more to say. None of it was real. Don’t you think I know that?”

  “I love you. That’s as real as it gets. When I accepted the job, you were nothing but a name on a piece of paper. I took the assignment out of sheer desperation.” He winced. “My security company in Seattle is having financial problems and this was my big opportunity to rescue it and keep my employees on the payroll. I should have seen the warning signs with John, but I didn’t. In the beginning I thought you were the person he made you out to be—cold, calculating and disloyal. But during my time here in Love I got to know you, Sophie, and I realized you were the real deal.”

  Sophie began to cry. She put her hands up to her face and sobbed. She wanted to believe Noah so badly, but with a past littered with people who’d used and betrayed her, she wasn’t sure she could. She couldn’t stand the idea of being hurt again by Noah.

  “I don’t know what to believe,” she cried.

  She felt Noah’s hands prying her hands away from her face. Sophie looked into his blue eyes and saw love shining in them. “Sophie. All I cared about before I came to Love was getting the money to stabilize my company. Before John showed up in Love I was prepared to tell you the whole truth, because when it came right down to it, you trump everything else in my world.”

  Sophie blinked at him. “You were?”

  Noah nodded. “Yes. When I began to fall in love with you I knew that huge lie might destroy everything for us. Even though I was afraid, I was prepared to tell you the truth. Sophie, you’re the most important thing in my world. Nothing else even comes close.”

  “Noah!” Sophie said, her voice full of emotion. She buried her face against his chest. He rocked her back and forth, all the while crooning words of reassurance and love. She pulled away from him, meeting his gaze head-on. “You do love me. I can see it in your eyes. And I can hear it in your voice.”

  “Yes, Sophie, I do love you. Very much.” He reached out and wiped away her tears with his finger. “I came to this town as a cynic.” Noah scoffed. “I took the assignment because I saw a little bit of myself in Sussex. A man who got jerked around by his ex. And I seriously needed a big paycheck.”

  “You’re nothing like him!” Sophie said.

  “No, I’m not. But at the time I believed he was wronged in the same way I was deceived by Kara. Sophie, from the very first moment I met you I should have seen the truth shining right back at me from your beautiful eyes. I got in over my head. And the moment we began a relationship I should have told you the truth. All of it.”

  Sophie nodded. “Yes. You should have.”

  “I was too afraid of losing you. So I hesitated. I’m so sorry that you didn’t hear the truth from my lips. But there’s one truth only I can tell you.”

  “And what’s that?” she asked. She knew in her heart Noah was her match, the one she’d been searching for all this time. Her heart hadn’t betrayed her. And neither had Noah.

  “That I love you. I am hopelessly and hopefully in love with you. I’m hoping that you’ll forgive me, because you’re the best person I’ve ever known. And I want to show you how much I adore you, Sophie. Not just in one grand gesture, but in a hundred different ways over weeks and months and years. I want to be yours forever if you’ll let me.”

  “I do forgive you, Noah. You’re human. You made a mistake. I know you well enough to know you’re not hateful or vengeful. You wanted to make things right by telling me the truth. I know how much that might have cost you with your company.”

  “Strangely enough, Sussex paid me in full. The money showed up in my account yesterday. I think he was afraid I might take him to court.” Noah chuckled.

  “That’s wonderful,” Sophie said.

  “I don’t care if you’re the cobbler’s daughter or whether your father is the president of the United States. None of that matters to me in the slightest. I love you for you. Because you greet each day with a sunny attitude and a smile. Because you try to lift everyone up when they’ve fallen down. And you have the cutest freckles I’ve ever seen. I love you, Sophie, despite your odd taste in grilled cheese sandwiches and the fact that you have a lead foot.”

  “I do not!” Sophie objected. “I’m a very reasonable driver.”

  Noah reached out and took her hands in his. His moves were tentative, as if he wasn�
�t quite certain whether or not she would reject him. “Please know that I’ll always tell you the truth. From this moment forward.”

  “I believe you, Noah. I know your heart. And I love you very much.” She wiped tears away from her cheeks. “The people of Love have forgiven me for not telling them about being the Java Giant heiress, so I guess we’re both forgiven,” she said with a grin. “We both have a clean slate here in Love.”

  “Chalk up another success story for Operation Love,” Noah drawled.

  “I thought you weren’t in the Operation Love program,” Sophie teased.

  “I am now! You made a believer out of me, Sophie Miller.” He laughed. “I mean, Sophie Mattson.”

  Noah dipped his head and placed a triumphant kiss on Sophie’s lips. The future was stretched out before them—a glorious beacon of love and light and endless possibilities. And it would all unfold in Love, Alaska—right where God had planted them.


  “Mmm. I think that I like this one the best,” Noah said as he took another sip of the frothy mochaccino. He was sitting at a table at the Moose Café with Sophie, tasting various coffee drinks she’d whipped up for him. She’d turned him into a coffee lover ever since the Taste of Love event. Now that Marta had come back to Love, Noah was putting in only a few hours here and there until she got back into the groove in the kitchen. He was working remotely for Catalano Security and spending as much time as he could with Sophie between her shifts.

  Hazel walked over to the table and placed a mug in front of Sophie. “Here’s a little concoction I’ve been working on. I’d be mighty pleased if you gave it a try.” She winked at Noah, who pretended not to see her none-too-subtle gesture.

  “That’s so sweet of you, Hazel,” Sophie said, gently lifting the mug and taking a sip. She began to sputter, and quickly put the drink back down. “It’s a little bitter,” she said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

  “Why don’t you give it a swirl with the spoon and maybe it will taste better,” Hazel suggested, pushing the cup back toward Sophie. Noah let out a quiet groan. Things weren’t exactly proceeding according to plan. Hazel was overplaying her hand.