His Secret Alaskan Heiress Page 14
“Anything on the romantic front?” Suddenly, there was tension in his client’s voice.
“No,” Noah answered. “She hasn’t been out with anyone from the Operation Love program, although plenty have asked.”
He could hear a sigh of relief on the other end of the call. It frustrated him. He wasn’t going to tell Sussex that Sophie was looking for love in Alaska. That was her personal business, as far as Noah was concerned.
“I did go out with Sophie. We went to a town event together,” Noah confessed.
“That’s great, Catalano,” Sussex said in a robust voice. “I’m happy to hear it.”
“I’m confused about something. Sophie mentioned an ex-fiancé, who she discovered wasn’t in love with her. She said this man betrayed her. Was it you?” he asked. “Because I don’t recall you telling me anything resembling that when you hired me.”
The words hung in the air for a moment with no response from his client. Noah could only imagine he was shocked by the direct question. Wealthy types like Sussex didn’t like to have to answer to their employees.
“Excuse me, Catalano, but your questions are out of line. You’re in my employ, not the other way around,” Sussex barked.
“Truth is important in an investigation,” Noah said, keeping his voice way more calm than he felt. “Is there anything you’d like to tell me?”
“No. Nothing has changed. I’m planning to get my fiancée back.” His tone was frosty.
“Do you think that’s realistic? She’s built an amazing life for herself in Love.” The words slipped out of Noah’s mouth, but he didn’t regret them.
“I’m not sure why you’re questioning my motives, Catalano. The last time I checked I’m paying you to perform a service. If that’s become too difficult for you, I can assure you that I can find other PIs who will gladly take my money. My objectives should be your objectives. Unless, of course, you’re no longer interested in salvaging your company.”
Noah shouldn’t have been shocked by Sussex’s thinly veiled threat, but he was. Clearly, his client had done a little digging of his own into Catalano Security. He knew Noah needed a paycheck in order to keep his company afloat, and was using that fact as leverage so Noah would do his bidding. Alarm bells were ringing. This whole thing seemed to revolve around control. Not only of Noah, but of Sophie, as well. Noah didn’t like it one bit.
“I’m always working in the best interests of my clients,” Noah said.
“Good to know, Catalano. I would hate to think you had aligned yourself with Sophie rather than the man who’s employing you.” The line went dead just as Noah was about to respond.
Noah felt a chill sweep across his back. Something about Sussex’s tone had sounded fairly ominous. He was a man who obviously liked getting his way, not only in life but in matters of the heart. Sussex didn’t seem like the sort who would take defeat lying down. Clearly, he hadn’t accepted Sophie’s decision to walk away from their relationship, but Noah sensed there was way more going on than Sussex was revealing.
All his instincts were telling Noah that this was about way more than an ex-fiancé trying to get his beloved back. The man seemed almost desperate. And sadly, it didn’t seem to have a single thing to do with love.
Chapter Ten
Sophie woke up to a beautiful Alaskan morning. She padded to her front door and flung it wide, then stepped out into the cold. After looking up at the sky—it was the color of a robin’s egg—she spread her arms as far as she could. She knew it wasn’t possible, but she wanted to embrace the day. She was still dressed in her pajamas, flannel robe and fuzzy cat slippers.
“Happy Birthday to me!” she shouted, feeling a little thrill at celebrating her twenty-eighth birthday in a remote fishing village in Alaska. A year ago she never would have imagined the twists and turns her life would take. This, she realized, was her reward for stepping out on a ledge of faith.
Today was the day she stood to inherit half of the Java Giant empire. Strangely, the realization didn’t make her feel happy. Her heart did ache due to missing her father. With every day that passed, Sophie realized more and more how she needed to make amends with him. It didn’t mean she was going back to her life in New York City, but it would mean reconciliation and forgiveness.
The last few weeks had been wonderful. Sophie knew she was falling for Noah, and it felt like the greatest thrill ride of her life.
“Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with another year of life. I promise to make this my best year yet.”
Sophie went back inside and began preparing her breakfast. Cameron had told her not to even think about coming into work this morning until after ten o’clock, so she could be a lady of leisure. It felt luxurious to sit around in her pajamas, watching television and drinking a hot cup of coffee. Feeling celebratory, Sophie added extra sugar and cream.
“Why not?” she asked as she stirred her coffee, her voice ringing out in the stillness of her cabin. “It’s my birthday!” She let out a squeal.
Lucy, one of her friends from the gym, swung by and picked her up a little later. Lucy also lived at the Black Bear Cabins, and worked in town at the bookstore. The whole way into town she grilled Sophie about Noah, asking a million questions about their relationship.
“That Noah sure is dreamy,” Lucy said with a sigh. “Is he officially your boyfriend?”
“Umm...no. So far we’re really just friends,” Sophie stated, not wanting gossip about them to spread any further around town. Although she loved Lucy to pieces, Sophie knew her friend liked to run her mouth. And she felt guilty about being involved with Noah when he had no idea about her true identity. Noah was a solid, working-class man who might have very strong opinions about her being a wealthy heiress.
“You two sure would make a great-looking couple,” Lucy said, casting a quick glance at her.
The compliment made Sophie feel great, but she knew a relationship was about more than looks and easy charm. Not that she knew anything about a lasting one, but she believed there were certain principles tying couples together.
Faith. If a man didn’t love the Lord, Sophie knew she didn’t belong with him. God wasn’t something she wavered on. And even though Noah’s faith had been challenged, he still believed. He still loved God and was working toward mending his shaken faith.
But he had to be willing and able to love her with all his heart and soul and mind. And he would have to care about her for the woman she was today and accept the fact that she would never live the life of an heiress. She was simply Sophie the barista.
Any man she might fall in love with had to walk in truth. He couldn’t betray her or lie to her face or harbor harmful secrets. Sophie knew this was a tough one, considering no one in Love knew her real identity. She wondered if she was giving herself a slight pass, since she truly felt as if her secret wasn’t hurting anybody.
Or maybe she was just telling herself it wasn’t. How could a lie be innocent?
Sophie truly believed Noah had all the attributes she was looking for, plus many more. Perhaps it was a sign of healing to believe so strongly in him. She wasn’t in the same place as she’d been a year ago. She was blooming like a rose in springtime.
Being in Love had served as a panacea for all her hurts. Working at the Moose Café had given Sophie a purpose. It had allowed her to develop friendships with Cameron and Hazel. And Jasper had become her best customer and honorary grandfather.
When they reached the Moose Café, Lucy decided to come inside with her so she could order a white chocolate hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin. As soon as they stepped inside the café, pandemonium broke loose.
“Happy Birthday, Sophie!” Cameron, Hazel and Noah stood by the entrance and shouted at her as she walked in the door. Jasper stood a few feet away holding a bouquet of balloons. A beautiful banner hung above the entra
nce to the kitchen, announcing her special day. Colorful and festive and cheerful, it made Sophie want to cry with gratitude.
All the customers present began to clap and call her name. Warmth filled Sophie’s insides at the many greetings being sent her way. Tears pricked her eyes, but she didn’t even try to hide her emotion.
“You guys are the best,” she said, looking around at the beaming faces. She locked gazes with Noah and sent him a sweet smile. He grinned back at her, showcasing his perfect set of dimples. The adorable expression on his face made her want to walk right up to him and kiss him.
“Time to get to work,” Sophie said, after walking the gauntlet of well-wishers.
Jasper pulled her into his arms and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Happy Birthday, Sophie.” He pushed a box tied with a ribbon into her hands.
“Oh, Jasper. You shouldn’t have,” she exclaimed.
“Well, then, I’ll take it back,” he retorted, playfully reaching out and tugging at the gift.
Sophie lightly tapped his hand. “Oh, no, you don’t. I can’t wait to see what’s inside.” She ripped open the wrapping paper and tugged off the lid of the box. Inside was a necklace with her name, fashioned in crystals, twinkling back at her.
“Jasper! I know I said you shouldn’t have, but I’m really glad you did.” She threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him tightly.
He patted her on the back. “Anything for you, darlin’. You better let go of me so I can make my way to town hall. If I don’t show my face over there they may hold a special election to remove me.”
Sophie threw back her head and laughed. “This town would be lost without you, Jasper. Thanks again for the gift.”
The rest of her day went by quickly, with many a friendly face popping in to wish her a happy birthday. At three o’clock Sophie’s shift was over. She couldn’t wait to go home and take a soothing bath before coming back to the Moose Café for her birthday celebration. Hazel and Cameron had joined forces and were throwing her a small shindig. Hazel had been reminding her about it all day.
“Don’t forget we’re meeting back here tonight at seven o’clock for your birthday party,” she said yet again, wagging a finger at her. “Don’t worry, it’s not a huge celebration. Just about half the town,” she teased.
Sophie wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Hazel was telling the truth. Celebrations in the community seemed to multiply in a mysterious way. A dinner party for ten mushroomed into thirty. People sure did enjoy spreading the love, which was one of the reasons she adored this welcoming town.
“Hey, Sophie. Can I grab you for a minute?” Noah asked, coming up behind her as she left the break room with her belongings. If she hurried to the bookstore, she could catch a ride back to the cabins with Lucy.
“Sure thing,” she said with a nod. “I’m hitching a ride home with Lucy so I have to be quick or I’ll miss out.”
“No worries. I’ll take you,” Noah said. He grabbed her by the hand and led her through the kitchen and out the back door.
He stopped in front of his car, which was parked a few feet away in the lot. “Happy Birthday, Sophie. Your chariot awaits.” Noah waved toward the vehicle.
“Are we going somewhere?” she asked. Her heart began to pound in her chest. Was Noah taking her out for her birthday? Was that why he said he would take her home?
“Yes. We’re hitting the open road.” Noah’s grin was infectious. “I’m giving you a driving lesson.”
* * *
“A driving lesson?” Sophie’s mouth hung open. Her eyes had a glazed expression.
Oh, no! Had he miscalculated? Was it possible he’d misread Sophie and what he’d perceived as her desire to learn to drive? Perhaps this little surprise of his was a big old bust. He’d wanted to do something meaningful for her birthday.
Sophie rushed at him, throwing her arms around him and giving him the tightest bear hug of his entire life. When she finally let him go, her beatific smile made him feel a bit loopy. “I can’t believe it! It’s the most thoughtful gift ever. It’s as if you looked deep down inside of me and saw my heart’s desire.”
Whoa! He really had hit the nail on the head. “I’m happy I picked the right gift.”
“It’s just perfect.” Sophie’s face seemed to be lit up from inside. If someone had asked him, Noah wouldn’t have been able to put into words the way he felt at this moment. The intensity scared him. To be able to make Sophie happy gave him a blissful feeling, as if he was walking on air. And he didn’t want anything to bring him down from this euphoric high.
For the next hour and a half, Noah gave Sophie her very first driving lesson. He showed her the inner workings of the vehicle—the clutch, accelerator and brake. He taught her how to start the car and how to put it in Park. Noah also demonstrated the way to hold her hands on the steering wheel, how to adjust her mirrors and signal, and lectured her on the importance of wearing a seat belt at all times.
By the time the lesson was over, he felt confident that Sophie was a serious, attentive driving student. With a few more lessons and some road time, she would get her license in no time flat, he was certain.
“If I had to grade you, I’d give you an A plus. You really paid attention to my instructions and you didn’t let your nerves get the best of you.” It hadn’t escaped Noah’s notice the way Sophie’s hands were trembling at the beginning of the lesson. By the end, she appeared relaxed and confident.
“Thank you, Noah. I can’t tell you how good it felt to be behind the wheel on the open road,” Sophie said. She leaned over and pressed a kiss on his lips, one that lingered as he allowed her to take the lead. She let out a sigh as the kiss ended.
“If that’s the thanks I get, I’ll have to give you more driving lessons,” Noah said in a joking manner.
“I feel so accomplished,” she exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “I love receiving a gift that doesn’t have a monetary value. It’s priceless.”
“Just like you, Sophie,” Noah murmured, reaching out and grazing his fingertip over her ruby lips. “Coming here to Love wouldn’t have been the same if I hadn’t met you.”
“I feel the same way. Before you arrived I hadn’t really met anyone I fancied,” Sophie confessed in a low voice.
“Are you saying you fancy me, Sophie Miller?” he asked, hoping his words didn’t make her feel self-conscious. He knew Sophie felt something for him, but he wanted some sort of affirmation from her lips. Surely what he felt for her wasn’t one-sided? And if it was reciprocated, Noah knew he would come clean with her and tell her the truth about his PI assignment from Sussex, as well as his real identity. He would move heaven and earth to convince her that his motives had been well-intentioned.
She locked gazes with him. “In case you hadn’t already guessed, yes. I fancy you very much.”
Just hearing her confirm his hunch made Noah feel like a high-flying kite soaring up in the sky. She had feelings for him. And if he wasn’t mistaken, they were deep ones. He was the first man she’d had feelings for since arriving in Love.
He cleared his throat. Noah had been wondering about where Sophie was in the healing process. It was hard to get over being betrayed by someone, especially one you’d been engaged to marry.
His own feelings wouldn’t let him stay silent. “There’s something I wanted to ask you the other night, but I didn’t want to overstep.”
Sophie looked alarmed for a moment, then nodded. “Go ahead. Ask me.”
“Your ex-fiancé hurt you very badly. Have you found a way to move past it?” Noah’s chest felt as tight as a drum. His heart was thumping wildly as he awaited her answer. He knew what it felt like to walk around with a heart that had been shredded. Kara’s treatment of him had left him with a shattered soul. And for the first time in years, Noah felt free of the shackles Kara had placed on his heart.r />
“I can say with one hundred percent certainty that I’m in a much better place these days. I don’t feel as wounded by it. I guess you could say I’m moving toward closure. Sadly, I don’t think I ever truly loved John. He was very close to my father, so it was almost a foregone conclusion we would be an item. He pursued me in a rather relentless fashion. When I accepted his proposal of marriage it was for all the wrong reasons. I admit that. But I never sought to use him or diminish him as a human being. I was just young and impressionable and under a lot of pressure. And I foolishly believed I would grow to love him through our union.” She let out a sigh. “Coming here was a big wake-up call. I realize now that there’s only one reason to marry someone. Love.”
Noah heaved a great sigh of relief. It mattered to him whether Sophie was ready and able to build something with him. As a man who cared deeply for her, he’d needed to know the answer to that question. It made Noah feel more grounded in his own relationship with Sophie, and what might be possible for them down the road. Hearing her talk about Sussex had convinced him that she was the wronged party in the relationship. Sussex had fed him a pack of lies.
He knew his grin must be stretching from ear to ear. “I have to admit, I’m happy to hear that.”
“Why?” Sophie’s simple question, asked with such sincerity, humbled him. She was so innocent and trusting. So genuine.
“Because I care about you very much,” he whispered, running his finger over the slope of her cheek.
He’d been tempted to tell her he had feelings for her, but he needed to come clean with her about being a private investigator before he professed his love. It wouldn’t be right to lay that on the table when a lie stood between them. And he might be dragging his feet, but he couldn’t bear the thought of upsetting Sophie on her special day.
Birthdays were sacred. Tomorrow he would tell her the truth, when everything had died down and he could break it to her gently, in a quiet setting. Until then he would show her in word and deed how deeply he cared about her. Maybe it would soften the blow that was coming. Noah knew Sophie might never forgive him for his betrayal, but he prayed she would find a way to understand. They both cared about each other in a deep and meaningful way. Surely that had to count for something in the grand scheme of things.